Malice's mission is to be a free open source version of VirusTotal that anyone can use at any scale from an independent researcher to a fortune 500 company.
$ brew install maliceio/tap/malice
Usage: malice [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]
Open Source Malware Analysis Framework
Version: 0.3.11
blacktop - <>
--debug, -D Enable debug mode [$MALICE_DEBUG]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
scan Scan a file
watch Watch a folder
lookup Look up a file hash
elk Start an ELK docker container
plugin List, Install or Remove Plugins
help Shows a list of commands or help for one command
Run 'malice COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
Scan some malware
$ malice scan evil.malware
NOTE: On the first run malice will download all of it's default plugins which can take a while to complete.
Malice will output the results as a markdown table that can be piped or copied into a that will look great on Github see here
Start Malice's Web UI
$ malice elk
You can open the Kibana UI and look at the scan results here: http://localhost (assuming you are using Docker for Mac)
Type in malice as the Index name or pattern and click Create.
Now click on the Malice Tab and behold!!!
Getting Started (Docker in Docker)
Install/Update all Plugins
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock malice/engine plugin update --all
If you are having issues with malice connecting/writting to elasticsearch please see the following:
I have noticed when running the new 5.0+ version of malice/elasticsearch on a linux host you need to increase the memory map areas with the following command
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
Elasticsearch requires a LOT of RAM to run smoothly. You can lower it to 2GB by running the following (before running a scan):
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