Paskto - Passive Web Scanner

Paskto will passively scan the web using the Common Crawl internet index either by downloading the indexes on request or parsing data from your local system. URLs are then processed through Nikto and known URL lists to identify interesting content. Hash signatures are also used to identify known default content for some IoT devices or web applications.


    -d, --dir-input directory      Directory with common crawl index files with .gz extension. Ex: -d "/tmp/cc/"
    -v, --ia-dir-input directory   Directory with internet archive index files with .gz extension. Ex: -v         "/tmp/ia/"                                                                    
    -o, --output-file file         Save test results to file. Ex: -o /tmp/results.csv                            
    -u, --update-db                Build/Update Paskto DB from Nikto databases.                                  
    -n, --use-nikto                Use Nikto DBs. Default: true                                                  
    -e, --use-extras               Use EXTRAS DB. Default: true                                                  
    -s, --scan domain name         Domain to scan. Ex: -s "" or -s "*"                    
    -i, --cc-index index           Common Crawl index for scan. Ex: -i "CC-MAIN-2017-34-index"                   
    -a, --save-all-urls file       Save CSV List of all URLS. Ex: -a /tmp/all_urls.csv                           
    -h, --help                     Print this usage guide.                                                       


    Scan domain, save results and URLs   $ node paskto.js -s "" -o /tmp/rest-results.csv -a /tmp/all-urls.csv                                                                       
    Scan domain with CC wildcards.       $ node paskto.js -s "*" -o /tmp/rest-results.csv -a /tmp/all-urls.csv  
    Scan domain, only save URLs.         $ node paskto.js -s "" -o /tmp/rest-results.csv                     
    Scan dir with indexes.               $ node paskto.js -d "/tmp/CC-MAIN-2017-39-index/" -o /tmp/rest-results.csv -a  /tmp/all-urls.csv                                                              

Create Custom Digest signatures
A quick way to create new digest signatures for default content is to use WARCPinch which is a Chrome Extension I hacked together based off of WARCreate except it creates digital signatures as well as WARC files. (Also adds highlight and right click functionality, which is useful to just highlight any identifying text to use as the name of the signatures).

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