Vanquish - Enumeration Orchestrator

Vanquish is a Kali Linux based Enumeration Orchestrator built in Python. Vanquish leverages the opensource enumeration tools on Kali to perform multiple active information gathering phases. The results of each phase are fed into the next phase to identify vulnerabilities that could be leveraged for a remote shell.

Vanquish Features

So what is so special about Vanquish compared to other enumeration scripts?
  1. Multi-threaded – Runs multiple commands and scans multiple hosts simultaneously.
  2. Configurable – All commands are configured in a separate .ini file for ease of adjustment
  3. Multiphase – Optimized to run the fastest enumeration commands first in order to get actionable results as quickly as possible.
  4. Intelligent – Feeds the findings from one phase into the next in order to uncover deeper vulnerabilities.
  5. Modular – New attack plans and commands configurations can be easily built for fit for purpose enumeration orchestration.

What Kali Tools does Vanquish leverage?

| NMap | Hydra | Nikto | Metasploit | | Gobuster | Dirb | Exploitdb | Nbtscan | | Ntpq | Enum4linux | Smbclient | Rpcclient | | Onesixtyone | Sslscan | Sslyze | Snmpwalk | | Ident-user-enum | Smtp-user-enum | Snmp-check | Cisco-torch | | Dnsrecon | Dig | Whatweb | Wafw00f | | Wpscan | Cewl | Curl | Mysql | Nmblookup | Searchsploit | | Nbtscan-unixwiz | Xprobe2 | Blindelephant | Showmount |
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